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Below are some of the main treatments offered at our clinic and conditions and complaints that we can help with. Through assessment and discussion the therapist will explain which would be most appropriate for your individual needs. In some cases massage may not be appropriate so please look over the contraindications page before booking an appointment.



General massage uses a combination of techniques including effleurage, a gentle movement of skin and muscle to warm the area, pettrissage, a kneading and rolling of muscle fibres to loosen and realign, friction, a specific movement onto small areas of knotted muscle tissue to aid tension release.



Positional Release combines the pressure of NMT with a gentle manoeuvring of the muscle into a position of comfort. This can be particularly effective with areas of pain where other massage techniques have been less effective.



Neuromuscular Technique is a complex technique that attempts to use pressure directly to problem areas to release the fibres through stimulation. It has long lasting effects and can have immediate results. The pressure applied can cause some discomfort but this is monitored closely by the therapist and should disappear within seconds.



Muscle Energy Technique uses the concept of the therapist slowly stretching a muscle, with the client then gently contracting the same muscle to allow it to go beyond its original set range of movement. This technique has visible results instantly and is very gentle and relaxing.


 Back and neck and shoulder pain 

 Joint problems 

 Long term and recent injuries 

 Pregnancy aches and pains




 Pre and post event massage

 Stress and anxiety

These are just some of the common problems we treat but if your concern is not listed we may still be able to help so please get in touch.





 Multiple Sclerosis

 Parkinson's Disease 

 Cerebal Palsy  

 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 


 Irritable Bowel Syndrome


The above conditions can be treated but will require detailed assessment and discussion prior to treatment so please contact us to discuss your needs. Equally if your condition is not listed we may still be able to help, so just let us know or take a look at the contraindications page.


"Nicola helped me to recover from an injury that had completely stopped me from running. After following her advice and receiving regular treatment I was able to return to form. If anything I am now running more comfortably than I have in a long time, and remain injury free."                         David

" My husband and I have had several treatments with Nicola, She is very professional and has a great sense of how best to provide relief or improve function. She has a great understanding of the body and its processes"                  

                                               Gill and Peter

" I have suffered from a shoulder injury and subsequent surgery for a long time and Nicola was fantastic in extending the range of movement and use of my shoulder. I would highly recommend her"



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